Finding the Middle Path

Photo Credit: Carrie LeBlanc©

Photo Credit: Carrie LeBlanc©

Walking outside it is easy to determine which path to take when you look down and see a crosswalk or highlighted curbs and sidewalks.  The internal work is not as easy, I don’t see a highlighted route to take here.  I can read books, listen to podcasts or other’s advice on which way to turn next but really there isn’t always an easy choice laid out in front of me. 

Technically in DBT, walking the middle path means to replace either/or talk to both/and talk in our internal dialogue.  This could be interpreted in many ways.

Finding the middle path could also mean not walking to either side yet staying central in direction. This is what most would assume when stating “find the middle path”. 

CBT concepts would explain this as not using black and white thinking or all or nothing thinking.  It doesn’t have to be one way or the other; there could be a grey area in the middle that is generally the best outcome. Investigating the unknown. 

Walking the middle path means making room for compromise and allowing ourselves to be okay with vulnerability and uncomfortable feelings at times.  

Learn more about Carrie LeBlanc at her website:

Connect with Carrie here.


Notice that..go with that…

